NUGM 2024 Agenda

Check out the NUGM 2024 Agenda and Abstracts below for details on conference session offerings by NovoRoi Systems and Manage 2000 experts.

  • The NUGM 2024 Conference App will be available for all registered attendees prior to the event.
  • Conference agenda is subject to change. (Last updated 05-15-2024)

Advanced Navigation

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users, )

Presented by Trey Miller, NovoRoi Systems: There are a number of ways that Manage 2000 can be altered in order to enhance the user experience. The positioning of the cursor on the screen; the automation of the prompts; the display of the various cross referencing systems; all of these are methods to increase the user's productivity by reducing the need to spend wasted time on day-to day navigation operations. Sure, it is a process of saving seconds here and there, but those seconds add up, per person, per week, and the net result is time and energy saved in efficient use of the Manage 2000 system. Take full advantage of the more interesting features of the operating system and help your users make the most of their experience.

Bill, Bills, Bills

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Trey Miller, NovoRoi Systems: The Bill of Material (BOM) module in Manage 2000 is often overlooked. It is the main driver for so much of the manufacturing process that, once set up, it is easy to forget that there are additional capabilities such as component use up levels, date of effectivity control, product structure types, and related costing elements. The foundation of a single bill of material is the building block for conjoined bills. A sub-assembly bill of material might be a finished good in its own right just as it is often the component of a finished good for production purposes. Understanding the structure of the product is important, and just as important is understanding how that product structure will be represented into the Manage 2000 manufacturing system for the purposes of planning, routing, finishing and shipping. All elements of the manufacturing process start with the Bill of Material in one way or another.

Compare and Contrast Work Order & Repetitive Processing

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Marc Harbeson, NovoRoi Systems: This session will be a comprehensive overview designed to contrast the traditional work order process with the streamlined repetitive order process. There are various ways to release work orders and then monitor the subsequent work order processing flow once the work orders are released to the floor. The Repetitive module workflow will be compared and contrasted with the normal work order workflow to establish a best practice decision system for optimal shop floor control. The introduction of LEAN initiatives became a focus for manufacturing automation in the 21st century shop floor. LEAN is a commendable concept for reducing waste, but it does come with an offsetting element of reducing production reporting points. Repetitive manufacturing is Manage 2000's answer to LEAN concept. Repetitive processing reduces Work In Process reporting transactions and utilizes the technique of backflushing critical system data upon receipt of the repetitive manufacturing run. There are reasons to consider traditional work order production methods--costing processes, for instance--in comparison to Repetitive manufacturing.

Configuring a Purchasing Requisition Approval System Through ECAs

(Primary Audience - Administrators)

Presented by Peter Newby, Epicor: See how ECA Routings can be used to create a multi-level purchase approval system. We will review the Manage 2000 purchase requisition approval system's history and documentation, ECA Routings basics, the RQN.ECA.ROUTING subroutine particulars, and PurchaseRequisition and ApproveRequisition web functions.


(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Joanne Eckenrode, NovoRoi Systems: Costing considerations in Manage 2000 can be structured at multiple levels. There are five cost sets in Manage 2000 from Current cost to Standard cost and special accounting cost sets in-between. From a cost accounting perspective, the easy approach is to utilize one of the Burden elements in Manage 2000 to simply assign a pro-rated cost approximation to burden, material burden, or variable burden. This accounting choice works well when a decent approximation can be made, but it can also work well with a more intensive analysis to compute true labor, outplant, and shipping costs. The intention of this session will be to give you, the user, a decent understanding of costing options in Manage 2000 in order to best utilize the costing model that works for your business.

Creating Web Functions

(Primary Audience - Administrators. Users)

Presented by Linda McHenry, LJM Services: Learn how easy it is to create web functions with the Manage 2000 web wizards. The Manage 2000 Web Wizards provide a fast, easy starting point for Visual Studio Web Function development implementing standard Manage 2000 web features. Learn how to access the wizards from Visual Studio and how to choose the most appropriate wizard to kick-start your project.

Customizing Web Functions

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Linda McHenry, LJM Services: Explore ways to modify Manage 2000 web functions with simple to complex examples. Many changes can be made to Manage 2000 web functions without the use of Visual Studio. In this session we will explore editing .aspx files and using tailoring tools to add and remove information on a web page.

ECA Building

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Marc Harbeson, NovoRoi Systems: The Event Condition Action (ECA) system is frequently thought of as nothing more than an email engine. We want to encourage the concept that the Event that is analyzed for Condition can result in much more Action than simply sending email; however, since email is easily the most utilized of all possible action, why not send it in as consumable a form as possible. This session explores the techniques to set up well-formed email in the ECA notification cycle. In addition, we will review the setup of a new item creation workflow, managed by ECA.

The Limitless Possibilities of Embrace ERP

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Ian Foster, Associated Computer Solutions: Future proof your business with a scalable, flexible, end-to-end ERP solution that can accommodate the growth and evolution of your business. This session will showcase Embrace ERP 15 – an integrated ERP solution providing Financials, Sales and Distribution, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing and Jobbing, Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, Workshops and Repairs, and Equipment Rentals. The Embrace ERP solution combines comprehensive cutting-edge functionality, simplicity of use, and unrivalled customer support. Reduce the cost and complexity of running your business, operate faster, and adapt with a lot more flexibility. Monitor the pulse of your business with end-to-end visibility and real-time access to information to achieve corporate strategy and drive performance. Embrace ERP has been designed for medium and large enterprises across multiple industries and is ideal for multi-branch/multi-company environments. An ERP solution that is deployable on premises or in the cloud, Embrace ERP empowers your entire workforce anytime, anywhere, on any device. With over 37 years of innovation, cutting-edge functionality, ease of use, unrivalled customer support and 100% implementation success, what more could you ask for? Join us for an overview and understand you can Embrace a world without limits!

Manage 2000 as a REST Service Consumer

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Peter Newby, Epicor: See the specific details required for accessing REST providers. We will cover REST fundamental concepts, Manage 2000 REST.SERVICES table, accessing authenticated services like UPS and FEDEX, REST.NEWS and REST.MSO presentation, and demonstrate a Manage 2000 PWS Function based on REST services.

* We recommend reviewing the Virtual NUGM 2023 Manage 2000 Development Overview session as an introduction to this topic. Access to the recording of the Virtual NUGM 2023 Manage 2000 Development Overview session will be made available to those registered for NUGM 2024.

Manage 2000 as a REST Service Provider

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Peter Newby, Epicor: Explore Manage 2000 REST provider API through Postman. We will explore Postman REST services development platform, including how to import the Manage 2000 collection, how to set the environment, how to authenticate and test a variety of services available from Manage 2000.

* We recommend reviewing the Virtual NUGM 2023 Manage 2000 Development Overview session as an introduction to this topic. Access to the recording of the Virtual NUGM 2023 Manage 2000 Development Overview session will be made available to those registered for NUGM 2024.

Manage 2000 Development Overview

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Peter Newby, Epicor: Discover a range of updates in the latest service packs of Manage 2000 release 8.1. This big picture session will cover the Manage 2000 8.1 release, service pack cadence and content, and client base status.

Manage 2000 System Admin - Maintenance

(Primary Audience - Administrators)

Presented by Bud Brown, Epicor: Presentation of important Manage 2000 maintenance operations and best practices: RESIZE.FILES, UPDATE.SYSTEM, database audits, backups, anti-virus, and rebooting. We will discuss the things you should be doing and when you should be doing them for good system health.

Manage 2000 Users and Printers

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Bud Brown, Epicor: The various system administration tools for managing user specific print processing will be investigated: SYS.USERS, DEFINE.PRINTER, Normal, Dynamic and PDF printing.

Manage 2000 Application Security

(Primary Audience - Administrators)

Presented by Bud Brown, Epcior: Manage 2000 group security is versatile and detailed to handle most enterprise control requirements. This session will discuss SECURITY.BUILD, function level security, Field Level security, and additional techniques for setting password protections, TCL restrictions, and interactions with Active Directory for a complete ERP security package.

Master Agent

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Marc Harbeson, NovoRoi Systems: Master Agent (MA) has become the Manage 2000 workhorse for unattended system automation. This session will present a general overview of Master Agent as a prelude to diving into some of the more esoteric and useful features this complex system has to offer. Marc Harbeson has been instrumental in pushing the leading edge of what the Master Agent queues can do since beta testing the product at its inception. There are many nooks and crannies of functionality in the MA system, many of which are potentially important time savers and solutions for problems you face with Manage 2000 day to day operations. Join Marc to investigate some of these lesser known features of MA as well as getting a good, basic overview of the product.

MRP - Take Action!

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Joanne Eckenrode, NovoRoi Systems: Material Resource Planning (MRP) is the primary manufacturing automation engine of any ERP. Those ERPs based on an MRP II foundation will also utilize economic ordering and production policy and more complex scheduling in conjunction with simple material planning. Manage 2000 is just such an ERP and MRP II is its bread and butter, utilizing standard principles set forth by the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS). A well-tuned MRP engine will streamline all aspects of manufacturing production, but keeping it well tuned is also critically important. This session is designed to focus on the Manage 2000 MRP.ACTIONS report as a tool to keep the MRP process running smoothly.

MSO How-Tos

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users, )

Presented by Linda McHenry, LJM Services: Study specific examples of using MSO.BUILD to create tailored content for Manage 2000. Learn about working with MSO.BUILD to create tailored displays and navigation in Manage 2000 functions. We will explore various types of MSOs and how to modify them to fit your business needs.

* We recommend reviewing the Virtual NUGM 2023 Tailoring Web Portals session as an introduction to this topic. Access to the recording of the Virtual NUGM 2023 Tailoring Web Portals session will be made available to those registered for NUGM 2024.

NovoMotion Outbound - What's New & The Auditor

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Trey Miller, NovoRoi Systems: The NovoMotion system is into its second decade of processing and sending real-time data from UniData databases to SQL server databases. Billions of transactions have been inserted, updated, or deleted over the years and full updates from the UniData system of record have always been the primary means of establishing all data has been delivered to SQL. NovoMotion now introduces a SQL side auditing system which will confirm table integrity without requiring a full table system reload. The data integrity issue was previously left to SQL administrators to confirm that all data sets were properly in line with Manage 2000 as the system of record. This was appropriate use of the SQL Admin's skillset when the SQL Server maintenance was a determining factor in questioning data integrity. But what about those times when neither SQL, nor its administrators, had reason to question data delivery being impacted in any way? What about Manage 2000 triggers being inadvertently turned off, or schema being improperly inactive, or BCI.ACTION queues being deleted, or any number of reasons that the Manage 2000 SQL reporting operations were suspect? Rather than insisting upon a truncate and reload procedure, the NovoMotion auditing system enables an automated method for performing SQL Administrative tasks to confirm data integrity.

NovoMotion Outbound - Building an Intelligent Schema

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Trey Miller, NovoRoi Systems: NovoMotion Schema design is critical to fast, functional, and detailed delivery of UniData multi-valued data to the SQL Server table structures. There are as many ways to build schema as there are database design paradigms in the SQL environment. This session will show and discuss the various ways to build schema which will greatly aid in having SQL Operational DataStores (ODS) and DataBase Warehouses (DBW) which are poised for larger adventures in the SQL environment such as BI. Having schema which properly detail ERP data to SQL will save significant time translating that ERP to a BI presentation system that has real value from shop floor managers all the way up to the executive reporting level.

NovoNexus WMS - Overview & What's New

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Marc Harbeson, NovoRoi Systems: The NovoNexus Warehouse Management System (WMS) continues to grow with specialized applications to meet the Manage 2000 Automated Data Input (ADI) Inventory and shop floor control systems. New designs with Android hardware platforms and applications, which extend beyond Manage 2000 current inventory control functionality, are a major aspect of the NovoNexus WMS system. Manage 2000 is a good, inventory control system for manufacturing purposes. A warehouse management concept goes beyond inventory control for simple day to day operations and enables data to be collected for processing controls outside of ERP functionality. The NovoNexus WMS provides advanced systems for containerization of inventory and shipping modules which extend the usefulness of barcode operations to streamline all aspects of inventory control.

Paying Down Your Tech Debt

(Primary Audience - Administrators, Users)

Presented by Marc Harbeson, NovoRoi Systems: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Ordinarily this useful maxim is a preferred operating standard, but in IT operations it can lead to acquiring technical debt by not keeping systems up to date even when they appear to be operating well. This Tech Debt concept will be discussed in light of people, processes, technology, data, physical vs virtual servers, and on-prem vs cloud. Important concepts for keeping up with security, training, and system upgrades will be discussed in depth.

Purchasing - Pricing

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Joanne Eckenrode, NovoRoi Systems: Maintaining Vendor pricing in Manage 2000 is an important operation that is frequently overlooked. Procurement is a first operation of many manufacturing processes and it can set the stage for a good margin cost, resulting in the best return on investment for the finished goods produced. Knowing how to utilize and configure the most versatile pricing options in the purchasing module will be critical to realizing those premium margin levels.

SO Entry Pricing

(Primary Audience - Users, Administrators)

Presented by Joanne Eckenrode, NovoRoi Systems: Sales Order entry is considered the front door to the back office in ERP processing procedures. Without properly entered and maintained sales orders, manufacturing simply wont continue. Understanding the importance of sales is obvious. Understanding the complexity of the sales order entry pricing processes are not so obvious, but they are critical to setting the stage for profitable manufacturing operations. Catalog pricing techniques are a staple element of pricing, but knowing when to break from that standard and employ special customer specific pricing is a key element to profit margins as well as customer satisfaction. Add to those efforts the Manage 2000 techniques for applying automated trade and volume discounting, and you have a recipe for a mutually beneficial customer interaction. A happy customer is a returning customer, and a returning customer will help keep manufacturing operations running in a continuous, profitable manner.