The Sales process is critical to every business endeavor and manufacturing companies are no exception. In fact, there is an argument to be made that sales processes are what drives a manufacturing system as it is primarily sales, or sales forecasts, which drive the demand that the rest of the manufacturing software responds to. Sales analysis of a manufacturing market utilizes the idea that Sales for a manufacturing market can be described by trends. Are these trends seasonal; are they market driven, and if so, which markets? These are the important questions to ask concerning a manufacturing business when planning for how a sales effort should respond. The Embrace Sales Analysis toolkit is designed to help answer these critical business questions.
Sales Analysis means analyzing a company’s sales, utilizing the facts and dimensions that describe that sales environment. The facts are quantitative elements that Embrace provides with excellent historical sales data retention; the quantities, costs, prices, and various facts concerning a product’s assembly are all detailed elements of a manufacturing company’s past performance.
The dimensions used to analyze those facts always involve sales over time – time is the common thread throughout all trend analysis – but other dimensions for a business are also of vital importance to providing a forecasted future state. Dimensions like regions, supply chain vendor options, and customer market information are all important aspects of defining the unique business flows that a manufacturing company is designed to service. Using the Embrace database to analyze the facts and dimensions of that business model is what will provide solid, repeatable business forecasts for future sales and profits.
Neelesh Kalidas - Financial Director
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